Friday, 31 January 2014

I'm Back

Hello beautiful people
Its been awhile since my last post and i'd like to tell you that i've been saving the world like the oh-so-cool avengers or fighting for my family's honour  like those chinese movies where the sound never matches the actions. I would like to tell you that i was doing something really cool and that i haven't had the time to write down something witty and funny but the truth is, i have been suffering from writer's block.....this little illness that sits on the creative genius and just crushes your hopes and dreams.
A tad bit dramatic....true, but when you spend your days like i've spent the last few weeks, you just might go crazy, or develop a flair for the dramatic, like i did.... I may even be alittle crazy, ok i am alot crazy and i've been told i need a straitjacket but the good Lord has seen it fit to let crazy ol' me on the unsuspecting masses of the world.
Ok i'm rambling, where was i?......Right, writer's block, that thing that rendered me and my crazy beautiful mind inactive.
So now that my crazy beautiful mind has done battle with the block and won (yes white blood cell style) i am now going to be posting alot more frequently.
In all my rambling i forgot to say happy new year......please endeavor to fulfill your resolutions....don't be like me, i am still trying to fulfill the resolutions i made in 2010
